Addicted: THE AK Diaries

The Connection between Addiction and Mental Illness

Addiction is a major problem that has affected many people around the world. Oftentimes, addiction goes hand in hand with the uncontrollable use of drugs despite knowing the harmful effects. People struggling with addiction experience physical and mental health issues that severely disrupt their lives. While addiction itself is complicated, it can also lead to other mental health problems.

Mental illness includes a range of conditions that affect a person’s mood, thoughts, and behavior. Some of the prevailing mental health issues in our society are anxiety disorders, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and more. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), people with addiction are likely to have mental health issues compared to those who do not use drugs or alcohol.


The Relationship Between Addiction and Mental Illness

Addiction and mental illness often go hand in hand, which makes it difficult to figure out which came first. Some people use drugs or alcohol to cope with mental health issues, while others develop mental health problems because of their addiction. Nonetheless, drug and alcohol abuse can change your brain’s chemistry, affecting your overall mood, thoughts, and behaviors over time, the continuation of which will cause mental health problems.


One of the most significant risk factors for both addiction and mental illness is trauma. Trauma comes from experiences like physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, neglect, or violence. It changes how the brain responds to stress, making it more likely for someone to develop addiction or mental health issues.


Some of the other factors that lead to addiction and mental illness include genetics, environmental influences, and existing medical conditions. People with a family history of addiction or mental illness are more likely to develop these problems themselves.


There is little doubt that addiction and mental illness are closely related. It’s reasonable to assume that addiction can lead to mental health problems and that those who already struggle with mental health issues are more likely to become addicted. Addiction is twice as common among those with mental health conditions as it is in the general population, according to SAMHSA data.

Addiction is more common in those with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). They are more likely to turn to drink or drugs to help them manage their symptoms. To feel more at ease in social situations, a person with social anxiety, for instance, can drink alcohol. However, when the individual starts to depend on alcohol to control their anxiety, this might result in addiction.


Furthermore, it may be more difficult for those with mental health conditions to stop using drugs or alcohol. Mental health symptoms, such as hopelessness and lack of desire in depression, can make it challenging to maintain one’s commitment to recovery.

It’s important to note that having a mental health disorder doesn’t mean someone will definitely develop an addiction. However, being aware of the increased risk is crucial, and seeking help is essential if you or someone you know is dealing with both mental health and addiction issues.


If you or someone you know is facing addiction and mental health problems, seeking professional help from a qualified healthcare provider is vital. Consider reaching out to Eric Nolan, the author of Addicted, the AK Diaries. With a high school education and an associate’s degree, Nolan pursued a career in healthcare. Clean and sober for 14 years, he enjoys the outdoors, and home improvement projects, and has been married for 15 years. Motivated to help others, Nolan is now a productive member of a society dedicated to aiding those facing similar struggles.


You can also grab his book on Amazon to see how he dealt with mental health issues and overcame addiction.


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